exchange over http??


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
I have a guy trying to setup exchange over http for some of our exchnage users here at work. He says it works good for 'calendar' purposes... one guy updates the calander and it automatically 'syncs' next time they open their outlook. Now the problem we have. He can't seem to get it to work properly. He's done it a few times before, but can't make ours do it.

Question #1. Anyone a 'guru' at Outlook over http??
Question #2. If we just use pop, there is no way to accomplish the same thing??

POP won't do that.

Are you sure his Outlook client is configured correctly?
In the properties of the Email Account on the Connection tab is where Exchange over HTTP is setup.

And also, is Exchange set up correctly to do Outlook over the Internet (I think that's what it's called in the Exchange wizard)??

Is it just this one guy having these issues, or have you not been able to set this up on this particular Exchange server yet?

Also, is the server running Standard or is it Small Business Server?
I'm not sure what any of that has to do with working well with calendars, exchange over http is so people can have the same exchange experience with outlook outside of the office and lan.

It's called Outlook Anywhere now in exchange never said what version of exchange or outlook but it's most likely a certificate issue. Unless your talking about OWA?
I'm not sure what any of that has to do with working well with calendars, exchange over http is so people can have the same exchange experience with outlook outside of the office and lan.
Um... Shared Calendars all go through an Exchange server too.
Yes but it has nothing to do with it working better over http rather than mapi which he seems to be implying.

He says it works good for 'calendar' purposes... one guy updates the calander and it automatically 'syncs' next time they open their outlook.
The "guy" you're working with sure did short-change himself by indicating it's "pretty good for calender stuff" If you are running Exchange 07, as others pointed out, Outlook Anywhere is a great, convenient and secure ( depending on cert used ) implementation of MAPI over the www.

Depending on your company -- this is great for execs who just want their outlook inbox at home. You don't have to worry about setting up a VPN, although it would be recommended as another layer of security.