Exchange / Outlook Q?


Limp Gawd
Oct 17, 2005
Hey everyone,

I have a question which I haven't been able to find a decent answer to after a whole lot of searching and asking around. I'm hoping someone here can help.

I have a user in my Exchange environment that has multiple SMTP addresses. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The user wants to be able to respond to messages sent to these accounts from the account to which the sender originally sent the message

Example: if I send something to [email protected] and the user responds, the response should come from [email protected] not [email protected]

Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated.

They have to be separate accounts in Exchange for this to work. The way I have done this in the past is to create the separate accounts, then have the user access the main account with native MAPI in Outlook, and access the other accounts using IMAP. They could also access the other accounts with OWA.
In Outlook, when you are in the screen of a new message, under the View menu, there is a From field. Ensure that it is checked. You can send messages from other exchange accounts, but you must have the proper permissions.
In Outlook, when you are in the screen of a new message, under the View menu, there is a From field. Ensure that it is checked. You can send messages from other exchange accounts, but you must have the proper permissions.

Just to clarify to the OP this works if you have one person using multiple Exchange mailboxes but not if you are using one mailbox with multiple SMTP addresses.

Exchange will always send out with the default address it has for the mailbox in Active Directory.

This question has been asked before on [H] but there is not a clear cut easy solution. Doing what JayAre recommends is probably the easiest way.
I ended up giving them POP access to the other addresses. It is a pain in the you-know-what to setup, but its the only way I can see to do it.

Was this addressed in Outlook 2007? It seems like a really dumb issue. Why can't you just SMTP mask the account from which your sending with an SMTP address which is associated with your account?