Exchange 2010 Sync/Send text message feature


Apr 29, 2000
I've been enjoying this ever since I migrated. It's clearly one of the best features of Exchange 2010.

However, when I first tried to send a new text on Outlook 2010, I got this error:

I quickly realized that I could just log into OWA, hit "New Text Message" and send. It would resolve to the user's cell number, the message would relay through my phone, and I could send/receive to my heart's content.

Even more to my surprise, I was able to send/receive from Outlook 2010 without issues, either. The "wizard", which wants you to subscribe to a 3rd party text message provider (at a cost, of course) stopped popping up. This thing really pisses me off, because it's obvious Exchange 2010 and my cell phone can handle it on their own.

So this weekend, I flash the latest version of a ROM for my Touch Pro 2 from the XDA developers forum. Lo and behold, I can't send texts from Outlook again.... or even OWA. After a period of idiocy, I realized that the "sync text" feature doesn't get checked by default and is not an option in the wizard. I checked the box, synched my phone, and could now send new texts from OWA again, but I'm still getting the above error in Outlook 2010.

Here's a thread over at the MS Exchange forums. I'd appreciate any help!
Ok, so replying to text messages in Outlook 2007 also works. The message goes out, gets synched with my phone, and gets delivered to the recipient's cell. It shows up just like it came from my phone (not like email > text).

Outlook 2010 keeps bringing up that blasted wizard, though.
...on a side note, it's amazing how little info there is out there on this topic. I know WM 6.5 is not as popular as the iPhone, but it definitely the more advanced OS as far as synchronization goes.

It's also hard to search for, as I keep getting articles on how to send email-to-text using the [email protected] format.