Exchange 2003 SMTP issue


Limp Gawd
Jan 17, 2004
We have Exchange 2003 set up here and we are having constant problems
with the folling NDR:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

I just went into the server and looked at the Queues portion of the
System Manager for the server. I see that all the problem domains are
listed here as Internet Mail SMTP Connecter (servername) -
(STMP Connector). I have tried to "force connection" with no luck and
have also tried to open a connection to the servers through telnet with
no luck. Does anyone know why I'm having this problem? I would like
to note that it is not the same domain over and over (like
each time).

1) do the transactions ever fail or are warnings all you get?
2) did the msg have an error code in it? those numbers actually mean something ya know ;)
3) more info about your setup please?
I recently had this problem. Redid my router and forgot to forward ports 110 and 25. Check that out.
big daddy fatsacks said:
1) do the transactions ever fail or are warnings all you get?
2) did the msg have an error code in it? those numbers actually mean something ya know ;)
3) more info about your setup please?

1. All I've noticed are delays
2. The error code is 4.4.7 which MS says means
The message in the queue has expired. The sending server tried to relay or deliver the message, but the action was not completed before the message expiration time occurred. This message can also indicate that a message header limit has been reached on a remote server, or some other protocol time-out occurred while communicating with the remote server.
And their troubleshooting says
This message usually indicates an issue on the receiving server. Check the validity of the recipient address and determine if the receiving server is configured correctly to receive messages.
You may have to reduce the number of recipients in the message header for the host about which you are receiving this error. If you resend the message, it is placed in the queue again. If the receiving server is available, the message is delivered.
There is only one recipient per message, so that is not the problem. The servers are places like comcast and ibm so I know the problem is not with the recipient.
3. If you tell me what information you need I can provide it. We are running through a netscreen firewall on a windows 2000 box with exchange 2003.

I'm not sure about the open ports, I can't really figure out to find them. Online tools are blocked by my firewall and I didn't see anything like that in netstat, but I'm not very familiar with it. I would log into our router(s) to check but I can't find the IP for it at the moment.
Does the exchange box sit on the net or behind a firewall and just passes the messages to the gateway? If it passes to the gateway, did you setup exchange correctly to do that?
Are you only running Exchange on the Box? - do you have IIS on it as well with SMTP enabled, or any other SMTP service? if so conflict on SMTP ports
The box sits behind a netscreen firewall. As far as I can tell all ports are allowed for outgoing traffic. I believe this is all set up correctly because the vast majority of our mail goes through fine.

No other SMTP services are installed that I know of, although IIS is installed. How can I check if IIS is using SMTP?
Goto MMC expand services and applications branch, expand Internet Information Services branch and look to see if you see Default SMTP virtual server, or any renamed SMTP branches (they will have a little flying letter mail icon next to them). If you have them - check if they are using a conflicting port in their properties (i.e. the default of 25)