Excessive throughput, account closed.


Feb 13, 2002
Came home from work yesterday on my break to find a message on the phone, I had just finished loading 35 bags of cow shit into a guys truck, got home and... "uhm yeah bla bla bla, your using a MASSIVE amount of bandwidth, i dunno what your running or doing but im gunna go ahead and close down your account, call me at...".

So here I am, 17 hours later, called about 5 times to both the ISP and the guys cell-phone. All I was doing, was downloading 3 .ISO images for Suse linux (or maybe it was freebsd), then got up and left for work. The internet was fine for the last year, but recently they decided to lift all throughput limits on everyones account, so sometimes I Peak out at close to 4Mbps. According to the man on the phone, I broke their spineless backbone just all by myself (reason for such drastic measures as closing an account). They could've easily used the traffic-shaping built into their servers, but whatever.

So im pretty pissed right now, since my only day off from work, and my only day to catch up on school-work (2 weeks behind) is shot down. Since my ISP is run by the three-stooges, Ive decided this is one more reason to look into a do-it-myself PC based router.

Looking into monowall, but can anyone think of anything else that might be able to keep track of bandwidth usage, and limit throughput during the day?
NetLimiter should do what your looking for... I love it -- use it all the time


Not free, but not outrageously expensive either.

Edit: oh... sorry... didn't see that you were looking to build a router. Well you might want to check out netlimiter anyway -- might save you the time of buying/building an extra machine as a router.
i have COX on the west coast and they dont really have a download limit but upload is like 20gb or something,
bandwidth cap?!!?!?!? thats pin.

It is not unusual for me to upload 3 gigs and download 4 gig a day.