Excel: Lookup entire table from another file


Oct 7, 2001
Hello all,

I'm looking for an excel guru today.I have one excel file that can be edited by a team of 3 users. It has a single table with ~30 rows and 6 columns. I have a computer with a large monitor attached. I call this a project board.

I want to display the contents of the excel table and have it refresh every 30 seconds. So if a user makes a change in the main table, it will appear on the project board within 30 seconds.

I am no Excel genius by any means. I tried VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP and each seems to return a single value. How can I return the entire table?

Any help would be awesome!
The easiest way to set this up is to use Sharepoint Services with asp pages.

I have a whole spreadsheet with multiple sheets in it. It auto refreshes once a minute. You can configure it to refresh how even often you want.

You can have it load different sheets in whatever order you specify.

This way, you do not have to have any other program running on the computer that is running the big screen. You just open up the page in full screen mode and it will auto refresh.

Once it is set up, it is pretty easy to change/tweak.

edit: you will specifically want to look up the excel web renderer.
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Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I have 0 experience with Sharepoint nor asp pages. I was hoping for something simple. I think if that's the case I'll either go to something on apache/mysql. it was supposed to be an afternoon project lol

Any other simple solutions would be appreciated though.