Excel Format Lock


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
I need some way to lock in conditional formatting, column widths, fonts and sizes, etc.. Basically I need the users to be able to modify the content of the cells, but not change the size shape or format of them. Anyone know how to lock format but not content?

Although I don't know the answer, I'm interested to know what you're using this for? Just curious :)
As a planning schedule for the some logistics operations. I need to keep the format in line so it keeps its "ease of readability", and the morons keep messing with stuff :p. It's kind of a short term solution until we get a solid db running.

- Setup your sheet the way you want
- Go to the cell(s) you want to be able to change and Format | Cells | Protection and uncheck Locked
- Now go to Tools | Protection | Protect sheet

You'll see that the formats are locked but you can still enter data