EVGA's upgrade program 680i to 780i - slow processing upgrades


Mar 29, 2005
Wow, ok I was #1005 in the queue last week. Now I'm #985 as of today. LOL, so that means I will get mine approved sometime 2009?

So at 15-20 per week they process these upgrades.. hmm

I'm kicking myself for not signing up for it right away when I first heard about it.:(
No I wouldnt kick myself, hell i've been at 1290 for nearly a month. It's eVGA- by the time my trade-in (which I am reluctant to do anyways due to 680i's record) gets to mature something better should be along most likely anyways.
No I wouldnt kick myself, hell i've been at 1290 for nearly a month. It's eVGA- by the time my trade-in (which I am reluctant to do anyways due to 680i's record) gets to mature something better should be along most likely anyways.

The biggest problem is not that they arent allocating them, its just that Nvidia is allocating the boards differently so that certain partners get a certain batch and then other ones get other batches until the market is fed. This is taking a bit of time, but its the CM's fault for not producing enough boards.
The biggest problem is not that they arent allocating them, its just that Nvidia is allocating the boards differently so that certain partners get a certain batch and then other ones get other batches until the market is fed. This is taking a bit of time, but its the CM's fault for not producing enough boards.

hmm, ya I guess I can always just buy one, and then when I get the evga 780i, just sell it here to someone...:D
So is it a worthwhile upgrade? I have the 680i TR and a Q6700 (rig in sig) and was wondering if it was worth the extra cash.
EVGA has had my 680i since Tuesday and they still haven't sent out my 780i upgrade. Looks like a slow moving process.
Whoa there nelly... I just went from #950 to now I'm #758 just in the last two days!

Sweet, they must have got a shipment of boards in...
I thought (at least according to the instuctions) that EVGA wouldn't have you ship back your board until they knew they had one for you, so you wouldn't be without a motherboard for potentially 2 months ?

Has anyone gotten this 780i board yet ? Curious to know how its working i have 30 days left to get going on this swap , if ever
This is the process: once your queue number goes to 0, they send you an email informing you to send your 680i in, then they ship out once they receive it.

At least the queues are moving now, they was nothing moving for like a week.
It may be moving but its definitely not fast enough- like I said at this rate by the time my queue number matures something better will most likely be along!
damn... I don't know if I qualify for this offer (considering I bought my board about a year ago...) Well.. only thing left to do is try. :)
damn... I don't know if I qualify for this offer (considering I bought my board about a year ago...) Well.. only thing left to do is try. :)

Everyone qualifies, as long as you get in the queue within the next 28 days or so. It doesnt matter when you bought it as long as you have all your accessories and the original reciept.
ok well, after debating it for about 30 days i'm in it to win it...
only thing is i'm #1904 i think in the queue :/ haha
(i was incorrect, i was originally #1970 or something like that)
So basically, you send them your old board before you send them the new one?

Seems kinda silly, as you'd be without a working computer for days/weeks/however long.
that' correct, no cross-shipping is offered. but i'm going into it expecting not to have my MB for about a month or so from what i've been reading about other people's experiences on this upgrade.... not happy about the delay, but at least i happen to have a second box i can use to tie me over... eventually i'll be upgrading to a quad so for me it seems worth it in the end to do this...

So basically, you send them your old board before you send them the new one?

Seems kinda silly, as you'd be without a working computer for days/weeks/however long.
I'm eligible for the upgrade, but I guess the thing stopping me is I don't see a "wow" reason to do it.

It looks like a hell of a nice MB for sure, but sadly I don't see any major features it offers that I'd use over my 680i board.

If anyone doesn't feel like waiting, you can pay full price (plus some), ClubIT has them in stock for $275.99 as I type this.


EVGA will be offering a special (1) one time upgrade promotional program to all of its
(122-CK-NF67-XX)* registered customers. This program will be for a limited time. (122-CK-NF67-XX)* customers will be able to upgrade to the 780i (132-CK-NF78-XX) motherboard for a one time fee. The program will launch early next week; stay tuned for more details.

Anshel Sag
I put in my order for the 780i upgrade 2 days ago but no email saying where I am in line yet...lol.
You need to login to your evga.com account and go to your evga products page to see where you are in line.
If I'm reading my eVGA products page correctly I'm number 76378 and I registered on 12/23/2007. Everything is still pending. I've sent a question into tech support but if my position is correct, the 780 may become outdated before I see one.
If I'm reading my eVGA products page correctly I'm number 76378 and I registered on 12/23/2007. Everything is still pending. I've sent a question into tech support but if my position is correct, the 780 may become outdated before I see one.

Programming Error, last time i checked it was above 2k... not 70k:eek:
If I'm reading my eVGA products page correctly I'm number 76378 and I registered on 12/23/2007. Everything is still pending. I've sent a question into tech support but if my position is correct, the 780 may become outdated before I see one.

Got you beat, 81573 :D
Sure hope its a programming error lol...
Got a reply from tech support. I don't think these people ever read the question. No comment about why I was listed as number 76378.
Don't know how you screw up adding one to each new request that comes in to get the next number? But I have no doubt it can be done.
Wow someone must have lit a fire under someone's *ss because in the last two days i went up about 400 positions in the queue , i'm now #1549 weee

Well i heard back from EVGA support, i had initially chose Ground shipping, but changed my mind recently and wanted to do 2 or 3 day shipping instead, EVGA told me once the process begins there's no possibility of changing hte shipping method.

So basically i've guaranteed that this upgrade process will take me the maximum length of time it could possibly take lol :/
Ya the queue is really moving now! I went from #758 to #405 this week. I am also hearing now, on the evga boards, that the turn-around time when they receive your 680i... is same day.