Ethernet running at 28.8kbps?


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
Randomly one day when I rebooted my computer, my PCI ethernet card just died out or something so I hooked up my dsl cord to my onboard ethernet controller. I re-enabled my onboard and got online, then usually where it says "Connected at 10mbps," with my PCI card, it was now replaced with "Connected at 28.8kbps," with my onboard. My internet speed doesn't seem to have much difference but how do I restore it to "10mbps?" Not like there's a difference but it's becoming a pet-peeve. :rolleyes:
this is quite an odd sounding problem....
post a screenshot once

and post your setup
do you have dsl modem? connected direct to computer or thru router, etc....
just to make sure

plus i want to see lol
Do you have a modem in your computer plugged into the phone? Is it possible that your dsl isen't working so windows is trying to establish a connection to the internet for one reason or another and it is going out through your modem?
Far as I'm concerned there isn't any phone connected at all to my computer, not even a dial-up modem or anything. In addition, my dsl isnt sharing a phone with it either in the phone jack. .

Anyways, here's the screenshot.

Works fine for me.

That is indeed a strange problem -- try reinstalling the NIC drivers just for the heck of it?
hmm. did you use SBC's installation CD when you setup your inet connection or did you just setup a LAN connection manually?