error when trying to boot from xp install disk


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2002
okay, heres whats up:

i just totally zero'ed my 20 gig maxtor hd, and now when i go to restart and boot from my xp pro disk, i get this error saying "NTLDR is missing, press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart."
anyone got a solution to this?

also, i should probably add that the file system im attempting to use is ntfs.
I believe this NTDLR only occurs when you're booting up to the operating system. Is the CD an upgrade CD or not? If so, here's the official link to the problem:;EN-US;q314057&ID=KB;EN-US;q314057

Well, in other words:

1) Turn your computer off, power supply off, then turn it all on.
2) As MS recommends: Format; install Windows 98 (with original CD) on FAT32.
3) Format; install Windows XP Professional on NTFS.

I'd just recommend you to delete all partitions then format then install Windows XP Professional. I went through the same thing but as usual, I forget how I fixed that. ;-)

That should work. If not-- format again? It has something to do with overwriting Windows 98's values which causes a problem.
