Encrypted Directory with Backup


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 31, 2004
I'm tired of doing paper version of taxes and would like to do them and submit them electronically. I have also been leery of keeping electronic copies of online purchases. Call up an online merchant with an Order # and get a not so bright customer service rep and there goes your credit card.

Anyway I would like to keep an encrypted directory. I know its not as secure as someone might think, but I rather do at least this than nothing.

I've seen various utilities that might create an encrypted directory an encrypted file that mounts like a drive. And would like any recommendation/advice on these?

I would also like to make it so that I could do a backup of these files to a flashdrive. The problem I'd like to do an incremental backup. Otherwise it seems I would have to copy an entire file of pre-defined size, which I'm start at 2 GB. Any suggestions?
I've used TrueCrypt with pretty good success. I have it so it uses a file that contains the encrypted drive.

You can then use something like Crashplan that backups to a local drive (or a friends computer). I'm pretty sure it does differential backups so it only backup the bytes that have been changed. You might have to configure Truecrypt to disable the option to preserve the modify date otherwise Crashplan may not be aware that the file has been changed (need to confirm this).

Hope this helps :)
Big Ironkey fan here. Highly recommended, but you'll still need to keep a backup, possibly using either TrueCrypt or my favorite GPG.