Email/Data Server


Apr 25, 2003
Ok well heres how it is now, I've made the email/file server using MS 2003 server. argosoft is the email program and we are getting destroyed by viruses, and they all come via email/junk mail. I need to properly prevent it. email comes in boom virus =/ website is also being hosted via the server. we also store apps we use on the server, we got w32.licum wiped all our .exes out (boom-headshot)

going linux works for me, as long as i can host a website / email program / file server.

I just need a proper way to prevent viruses from infecting the network. software solutions pref.
todlerix said:
So i need a suggested OS, email program and a way to keep the viruses at bay.

What OSes are you comfortable with at the moment?
Are you the sole admin or are there other people (with different skill sets) that are assisting with this?
windows xp (this cannot change) is what the computers attached to the server will be on, i am open to suggestions

im thinking that your thinkin dump MS and go linux or sumthin? thats def something im willing to do.. cant be too hard

everyone there is about my skill level
Linux + Samba

Not sure on what email system you want to use but there are plenty to choose from.
Windows Server 2003 SBS could be a strong possibility for you as well. Just make sure you have a good firewall in place and good exchange level antivirus.

Just my 2¢
suggestions on what programs please what firewall? what antivirus? with what mail server program?
samba is a program that allows linux to communicate with windows for file server right? and email prog suggestion for linux? specific version of linux?

edit/add: also, what kind of specs we need for something like this?
Sounds like you need a professional to come in an analyze your bsuiness needs and make a recommendations from their. It sounds sound like you have a lot of expierence. File server and e-mail servers are nothing to paly arround with. A poor secured/configure system could cost your bsuiness a lot of money and/or downtime. Don't play arround. Hire a professional.
oakfan52 said:
Sounds like you need a professional to come in an analyze your bsuiness needs and make a recommendations from their. It sounds sound like you have a lot of expierence. File server and e-mail servers are nothing to paly arround with. A poor secured/configure system could cost your bsuiness a lot of money and/or downtime. Don't play arround. Hire a professional.

^^ exactly

and email server should be islolated on it's own - often behind another serevr acting as ther firewall if it is open to the outside world.

i just set up an Exchange server for our email - was not too hard but exchange costs ALOT of money and for 4 email account not worth it

What is your budget?

XP Pro is not really an O/S to use for an email server.
todlerix said:
Ok well heres how it is now, I've made the email/file server using MS 2003 server. argosoft is the email program and we are getting destroyed by viruses, and they all come via email/junk mail. I need to properly prevent it. email comes in boom virus =/ website is also being hosted via the server. we also store apps we use on the server, we got w32.licum wiped all our .exes out (boom-headshot)

going linux works for me, as long as i can host a website / email program / file server.

I just need a proper way to prevent viruses from infecting the network. software solutions pref.

A typical deployment I perform consists of GFI MailSecurity for email scanning, Symantec Corporate for server file based scanning and workstation AV.

It's not a good idea to be using your file server as a web server. A web server should be located in a DMZ and *not* attached to your local area network in any way.

You should really consult with a local security focused consultant about how properly protect your business network.
Windows can be sure - it was lack of security and vicru scanner that got you screwd, this is what happens when you dont set thing up right the first time.

look into symantec corprate for email scanning - i have it and it works great - it is not bloated like Norton (same company - diff audience)

or trendmicro - they are top quality - but be ready to shell out some $$$ for their services.
GFI MailSecurity seems to be a good choice at 300 bucks, is it compatible with ArgoSoft?

Symantec corporate is on our workstations.

I'm pretty much forced to have this all on one network so I don't believe having an email server and webserver and fileserver on different machines will make much of a difference.

Can I have GFI mail security and symantec corporate on the server both running? or will that cause problems?
todlerix said:
GFI MailSecurity seems to be a good choice at 300 bucks, is it compatible with ArgoSoft?

Symantec corporate is on our workstations.

I'm pretty much forced to have this all on one network so I don't believe having an email server and webserver and fileserver on different machines will make much of a difference.

Can I have GFI mail security and symantec corporate on the server both running? or will that cause problems?

Symantec Corp comes in different editions, I typically deploy "Symantec Corporate for servers and worksations" and use GFI for the email scanning.

GFI will run in SMTP mode, thus GFI will catch and scan emails first before it gets to Argosoft. I would not run two email AV scanners due to the possibility of conflicts. GFI has some pretty impressive detection features outside of normal AV engines that IMO put it at the top of my deployment list.

At minimum your web server should be in the DMZ *outside* of your LAN. You can have your email server inside your local area network with GFI scanning the incoming emails as well as Symantec Corp (file based) on both the email server and webserver.
I like Trend C/S/M for SMB for my SBS box (that is Client/Server/Messaging). It scans email, scans the clients, scans the server all in one app. It was about 200 bucks for 5 client license, and about 70 bucks to renew yearly. It is the preferred choice of the MS SBS newsgroup, and I have been impressed by it. Only 2 virii have made it through in about a year, and both were automatically removed.
todlerix said:
I'm pretty much forced to have this all on one network so I don't believe having an email server and webserver and fileserver on different machines will make much of a difference.

What you can do is setup a pair of firewalls. One will sit on your internet connection and port forward the necessary ports (80/25/443...etc.) to the web server. So let's say that your internal network is you would setup your web server on the network Then you setup a second firewall that sits between your users and the web server. In this way the internal firewall provides a hop point to get between the .0 and .1 networks. It's all one network, but you make it look like two.
If you're working on the cheap, AVG has an mailbox scanning antivirus. Download it, try it for free for a month. If it works for you, buy it.
