Email archive release/waiver/contract??


Feb 21, 2006
I'm not sure what to call it, but heres the deal:

I'm a network admin at a school in my state, and the Superintendent asked if I would collect a certain faculty member's email archive, and hand it over to him. I havnt done it yet, but I am concerned for rights of everyone involved.

The short of it, is there a generic release form for the Super that I can have him sign so that its more or less legal?

Since its school property, the user doesnt need to sign or even know about it necessarily, right?

Please enlighten me!
Is there policy in place? If so, that's typically all you need. Otherwise, I'd get his request in writing ( email works too ), to cover your ass. Then I'd do it.
XOR != OR said:
Is there policy in place? If so, that's typically all you need. Otherwise, I'd get his request in writing ( email works too ), to cover your ass. Then I'd do it.

Yep. Just get the request in writting. It shouldn't be an issue but a formal request would be nice.
I work in a school as well, and when asked to pull all the email from the archive for a user by a Asst. Sup. I pulled it out, gave it to him, and sent an email stating it was done. In the email I asked if everything he wanted was there to get a respone from him.
The request in writing is important. I don't believe there are any legal issues. After all they own the network and therefore any and all communications that exist on the network is property of the school I believe. Again make sure to CYA and get a request in writing, and follow the existing policies if they exist.

Good Luck