e1705 audio stuttering


Aug 9, 2006
I got my e1705 a while ago and recently when I play back audio it stutters every 10 seconds or so for like a quarter of a second. My mouse freezes when the audio stutters. One thing that I thought might be causing this issue is the fact that my hard drive is pretty full, I've only got like 10 GB left. I tried reinstalling the drivers and using other drivers, but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else had or heard of this problem?

EDIT: When I turn on audacity to record the output, I can see empty spaces in the audio recording where the audio stuttered.
Buddy, I've had that exact same problem on my IBM Thinkpad A31 since the day I bought it over 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's just the resources or memory or whatever getting run down on the computer, but I don't have any fix for it. If you look in your Task Manager you can even see the CPU usage spike up when it does it, and under the Processes tab you will see the CPU usage on your media player jump up close to 100.

I'm gonna keep checking back on this thread now just cause I've been dying to know what the solution is and haven't gotten any solid help from IBM on how to fix it. Reformatting may or may not help, I haven't tried. Defragged a few times though and didn't solve anything.

It's a little ironic that I have a brand new E1705 coming in the mail tomorrow... now I'm worried this curse may linger on for several years to come.

I'm all ears for a solution
Well actually, it isn't a resource problem, it's something else (atleast I think). I've monitored my CPU usage and because I have a dual core T2400 usage never goes above like 25% on both cpu things while I'm listening to music. My peak memory usage is way below my total physical memory. The only thing I can think of is that I have a 5400RPM hdd and that could be doing. But I get the same glitching when I'm listening to streaming music, and the hdd access light isn't blinking during or around the time of the hangups.

I already tried defraging both the hdd and my pagefile, maybe I'll try modifying the size of my pagefile. I didn't have this problem until 2 or 3 days ago and I'm thinking it could be something software related. Ideas?
It wouldn't be a problem with the 5400rpm drive. The only way that could be a problem is if you were watching a hd movie straight off it, and it requiring more than the drive can sustain. I have an E1705, with the 5400rpm drive, and I've never experience the problem.

Since the mouse freezes when this happens, this tells me its a hangup in the os itself.

Have you tried running a System file check?

Go to start, run, and type in cmd

In the command prompt, type sfc /scannow

The system file check checks all the system files to make sure they havent become corrupted or changed. Its almost as good as a reinstall if you have a bad file.

Do you have a bad drive installed? Does the hangup happen other times when your not playing music? Do you ever get BSOD?