Dynamic Disk Unreadable


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2003
I recently just upgraded to a asrock 939 and a opteron 165. While upgrading I put all my documents on an 80gb harddrive. Then cleared off my 2 36gb raptors that my raid used to be on in order to make a fresh install. Everything went well. The 80gb imported to the new installation without a problem. However I also have a 160gb samsung sp1604n and it wont import. The only option is to convert to basic and lose all the not so important data and alot of backed up movies. I would like to some how get this one to import with out data lose. If anyone has an idea's it would be greatly appeciated. Thanks
have you tried just the 160GB disk? Different channel? Different controller? plug it into a USB enclosure?