DVD Video/Encode Software

Jun 11, 2008
Ok so I have been at this for years off/on & I always give up. What I want is to find software that allows me to basically make DVD video format movies. The kind of format I can use in a standard DVD player.

Using Google I just get a bunch of convert this burn that software, but it doesn't in detail show me step by step of how to make movies. If I wanted to take some movies from an iPhone, convert them and make it seem like a actually DVD movie any software you guys can suggest?

A very detailed guide would be helpful as well, I am very specific and need detailed steps so I'm not like "oh ok movie file to this folder" well my question is going to be "what folder?"

Thanks in advance and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
If you have Windows 7 (except Starter edition), then you already have Windows DVD Maker.

If that doesn't apply, then let us know what OS and hardware you are running.