Dungeon Siege 2 Framerate Problem on Nvidia


Oct 23, 2004
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on my framerate situation...

My framerate TOTALLY BLOWS. I go down to 10fps on occasion. Usualy hover around 20-30fps. Which is total crap. I have tried changing the graphics settings to no avail -- I keep getting the same framerate whether I'm maxed on settings or min -- makes no difference. All of my other games run smooth -- really smooth at my native res 1280x1024... HL2... D3... NFSU2... GuildWars... the list goes on...

But I'm not the only one who is having this issue -- please refer to: this thread on the Planet Dungeon Siege Forums...

My setup -- see sig...

My 2 friends have low-end cards and slow-a$$ processors and they can run the game just fine. Another guy I know has an ATI Radeon 9800 pro and can play the game at a contstant 60fps at 1600x1200x32 with max settings -- while I'm getting about 15fps. I don't understand what the issue is.

Anyone have any insight into this? Btw -- I did defrag all of my drives and it made NO difference. I have SATA Raid0 so HD speed is not the issue. There is definately something wrong with this game.
try disabling v-sync in global options
or i guess you could make a new profile for the game

my system specs are:
athlon 62 3200
6600GT x2
1gb ram

also, disabling vsync would fix a screen problem i had with the main menu
I created a profile for it a couple of days ago and changed some settings on my vid drivers and it worked like a charm.
wireplaycc said:
I created a profile for it a couple of days ago and changed some settings on my vid drivers and it worked like a charm.
Mind sharing what you did specifically?