Dual wan and load balancing on one computer


Limp Gawd
Feb 17, 2007
Hello, I have two dsl connections and I would like to use them both to speed-up my internet connection and download porn faster.

Since i don't need to share those connections, I don't want to use a dual-wan load balancing router. It is expensive.

I have some Ethernet interface cards lying around ... Can I just plug them both to a dsl modem and tadam!!??

Or do I need some software to use them efficiently ?
First, using 2 different connections won't speed up a single download. It could help if you open multiple connections that aren't directly related (say like bit torrent).

How ever I don't think their is any native support at all for this in Windows, and I don't know of any software to assist. I think you best shot is to look into getting a slightly older PC and putting something like pfSense on it, which can do outbound round robin load balancing of this sort.
You can get some broadband load balancers for cheap on ebay.