Dual sound cards, assigning app output?


Dec 3, 2009
Right now I'm using my on board sound as my default device. I also have a PCI sound card. I'm trying to figure out if I can assign individual apps to a specific card.

For example I want things like Firefox and Vent to output through my on board audio which I have headphones plugged in to and I want iTunes and games to output on my PCI card which I have speakers plugged in to.

I've tried Google but haven't found anything to help me out. Is this even possible? It seems like I can only have one at a time enabled as "Default" using Windows 7.
You get to set a main output device that every app will go to by default through Windows.

Most GOOD audio/video apps let you select audio output/input device (iTunes? Doubtful IMO, but you can check).
You can set your default output to the PCI card, and then have Ventrilo force output to the on-board device.

I don't know how you would pipe Firefox audio out to the on-board sound though.
You can set your default output to the PCI card, and then have Ventrilo force output to the on-board device.

I don't know how you would pipe Firefox audio out to the on-board sound though.

He'd be better off leaving his onboard as the default and then directing his music player and games to the PCI card. Nearly all music players and games I've encountered have the option of choosing their own default audio output.