Dual OS recover SD card


May 21, 2008

I have an MSI Wind netbook. It is able to boot from SD card and I currently have ubuntu install files on an SD card so I can boot and install when I mess up (i play around alot with config files).

As the MSI doesnt have a CDROM drive I was wondering if is possible to partition a 4GB SD card and have ubuntu and windows xp install on the one card with a grub style option menu for selecting what OS i want to install.

Hopefully this will be possible, saves having two SD cards with each OS.

Thanks in advance.
I think the biggest problem would be "Can windows install from an SD card" in the first place. Once you've figured that out, everything else is a file management detail.

(I'm wondering the same thing - Just got an HP Mini 1000 running their custom Ubuntu)
If you can find the SD card from your BIOS boot menu (like an HD, DVD, or flash drive) it couldn't hurt to try to boot it like a flash drive.
I have both the Windows and Ubuntu installs working from an SD card. God bless unix and dd. I was just wondering if I could partition a 4GB SD and have an intsall on each partition and a grub style menu for selection.

@ameoba - This command also works from within in windows: xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\
I have both the Windows and Ubuntu installs working from an SD card. God bless unix and dd. I was just wondering if I could partition a 4GB SD and have an intsall on each partition and a grub style menu for selection.

@ameoba - This command also works from within in windows: xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\

Any tricks/secrets/pointers to installing Windows off of USB? How about from an OEM recovery disk?
This should help you:


I believe thats for the same netbook you have.

I think maybe the best option though would be to partition the USB and extract the XP disk to a folder on partition 2. Make the the first partition bootable to MSDOS and running x:\i386\winnt.exe from the command prompt. This should work fine. If you had a big enough pen drive you could have all your apps on there too.