Dual Booting Server 2003 & Win2K


Mar 26, 2002
What is the best way to setup a dual boot system running windows server 2003, and windows 2000, or windows XP. This system will only be used for test purposes, so all I need is the ability to start one OS or the other during boot up.
Or dual boot,

Install 2000/XP, and then server, i recoment having 3 partitions, one for 2000/XP, one for server to be installed in, and a spare all round, though server will use it too.

I did this a few times without a hitch, should be no problem :D
Lazn_Work said:
For test purposes, I recommend Virtual PC.

I have to recommend this route too...assuming it's software your testing/learning. You can quickly swap out images, even faster than rebooting the host PC. You can also create quite a few different images and OSes.
i actually just did this last night. I have two HDD's in the computer, so for the primary os i installed win2k3 server (web edition) and for the secondary i put on the slave HDD win2k Pro.