Dual Boot


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2003
Can I install the same operating system twice on my computer so it will give me the choice of which one I want to boot to? I will be installing the second copy on a different hard drive that is also on a different IDE.

I want the second version to use for music recording and I want it to be as clean as I can get it. No extra stuff running in the back ground. I won’t be using the internet so I don't think I need spy ware detection or anti virus programs running.

I would need to install all the drives again for this version correct.

Will this work. I don't want to reformat my C: drive and reinstall everything. I want to keep my current setup and have a second for music.
It will work, and you will have to re-install everything as if it's a fresh install. You're going to need a second license for the computer though.