dual 7800gt or one 7900gtx?


Aug 21, 2004
Pretty much as the title suggests...i already have one 7800gt and i want an upgrade to be rockin in Oblivion. I have a 4200+ dual core so i think my proc is ok...so pretty much...should i go dual 7800gt for 300bucks or 7900gtx for 500 or so? thanks guys!
I was asking the same question earlier. I thought 2x7800 GT's performed just a tad above the 7800 GTX 512. So the 7900 GTX is supposed to be faster than the 7800 GTX 512 but not by much.

Correct me if I'm wrong!
i am thinking as far as $$ spent, its obviously cheaper to go the 7800GT SLI route for an additional $300

but for $500 you get the same performance with one card, less heat, less noise, lower power supply reuirements, etc.....and you have the option to SLI two 7900GTX's later if desired

the equivalent single card is almost always better than the SLI equal, in this case your overall 7800GT SLI investment is at least $600 in cards, but since you already own one, i guess it is cheaper now to buy another 7800GT
Ok thanks! So am i correct in the assumption that 2 7800gt's are ~ to a 7900gtx?
pretty close, but in games that don't support SLI, it will blow them away. get the 7900GTX.
Yeah i've been debating the same thing. My main issue is I would have to buy an SLI mobo(didn't think I was gonna ever do it when I originally bought my mobo). The cost for me would be around $430 total. Im guessing that you already have an SLI mb, so for you it would be cheaper. Dont know what kind of PSU you have, but assuming its up to par you should have minimal cost for a lot of extra performance. Another issue with me is heat & noise. I like to try & quiet down my PCs as much as possible. I slapped on a VF700 on my 7800GT and leave it 5v. If I went for SLI I would have to spring for another VF700 or NV silencer, which will bring the total cost up an additional $25-35. The 7900GTX has massive heatsink with I believe an 80mm fan. You'd think its nearly silent, but of seen it rated at around 44db which is to noisy for me. There might be a way to hook up that fan to a FANMATE2, but I dont wanna buy it just to find out no.
Main thing is I've seen performance charts of 2 7800GTs in SLI vs. a single 7900GTX and the the 7800GTs beat out the single 7900GTX. Not by much but considering for people in our situation its cheaper(most of the time) to go for the extra 7800GT. Also I bought a new monitor & now game at 1680x1050 from 1280x768 so SLI would help me out a lot. Dont know what rez you game at but this might be beneficial to you.
..............I say go for the SLI if its the cheaper route......Hell I think Im gonna give it a shot myself. :)
Cool ok thanks Im pretty sure thats what ill be doing but what games dont support SLI? i was under the impression that all newer games support it. I dont really care about getting 400fps in Q3 so thats ok =) I just wanna play Oblivion/Fear 1600 x 1200 while getting 30 fps.
After going from SLI 7800gtx to single 7900gtx CO (evga), i dont have to worry about noise or excessive heat since ive got a slight OC on my chip. BTW i wouldnt even think about dual 7900gtx on my board had enough problems with spacing with dual 7800gtx. In otherwords id recommend single 7900gtx. GL man.
sell the 7800GT on the forums (gets you at least $200), then buy a 7900GTX ($500)
so the final cost it ~$300 and you have the better solution.
