DSL or Cable Question (Quick)


Nov 4, 2002
)Hey guys,
First I live in Pensacola FL. Currently I have Cox Cable Internet service and consistantly get 2.6 Mbit/sec down. I pay 39.99 for a 1.5Mbit line. I am a "heavy" internet user. I am about to move into another house where the owner already has BellSouth DSL. He has the lite package which is only 256kbit but Ill get him to upgrade to te 1.5mbit line for 39.99. Now the question he already has one dsl modem in his computer room. In the room I will be staying in he just got another DSL modem (w/ 1 yr agreement). Can you have 2 DSL modems in the same house??? To my understanding he only has one telephone line. Ive been very happy with Cable and would love to have him switch (no service agreement and I already have the modem) and just do wireless(id be hard wired:D ) So can you have 2 DSL modem on one line? Thanks
So can you have 2 DSL modem on one line?

Not likely. ADSL uses a block of frequencies on the copper wire outside of normal telephone conversations. Putting two ADSL modems on a single telephone line will not work because they will both attempt to use the same block of frequencies on the wire and interfere with each other.
it's not an opinion... he's right.

a circuit is created between you and your ISP over the copper wiring in out of band channels. if the channels are already occupied by the first modem.

a bad analogy would be to telephone someone and then pick up another phone on the same line and trying to call someone else while talking to the first party- it just doesn't work.
okay, thanks for the input....any advantages of dsl OVER cable? 2.5mbits is hard to say goodbye to.
if your bandwidth on cable is consistently 2.5 Mbps, then i'd say not really...

but cable bandwidth is shared bandwidth and that number may fluxiate where as the DSL number will pretty much remain constant.

i would probably go with DSL if i were managing a business due to the amount of hardware compatible with DSL as opposed to cable (some cable companies use different signalling standards) but i have cable at home and am quite satisfied with it (even at 1.5 Mbps down).
Weeeeell...it depends on your area. At my location, I could never find anyone willing to provide DSL to my location at anything more than 384/384. I went with cable, and at this point I'm getting a pretty steady 2Mbit connection. Upstream is somewhere between 256k and 384k.

Your mileage will vary though. I may have been lucky with my cable service, and the DSL service might have been held back due to the local telco running pair-gain fiber to the curb (ick).
I tried bellsouth DSL and personally it sucked becouse i only got 1.5mbs down compaired to cable which i got 2-3mbs down with my mediacon! so i switched back to cable becouse "only cable can"!

I did the buy your own modem thing so that i mnot caught up in a 1 year agreement.

I guess your stuck with the DSL so just get a router and rape away with the bandwidth!:D
DruSi3r said:
okay, thanks for the input....any advantages of dsl OVER cable? 2.5mbits is hard to say goodbye to.

Depends on a lot of factors. For common entry level packages, cable will usually yield faster download speeds over your local phone company DSL. But you can often get higher end DSL packages faster than your often one and only cable internet choice. Depends on where you live, and what ISPs are available in your area.

If you're a heavy gamer, a high quality DSL ISP will provide you with consistantly lower latency. Meaning...NOT your local phone company PPPoE DSL, but a good quality bridged DSL line. Not as fast in downloading, but boy...oh so low in latency. But you pay for it.

Depends what your needs are, and what area you live in. In my area, for my gaming needs, bridged DSL beats Comcast cable for gaming. Comcast cable beats it for raw download speeds, and Comcast cable beats local SBC DSL for latency. SBC DSL on the bottom of the list for both.