Downgradeing from XP64 to XP Pro?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 10, 2000
Is it possible to downgrade form XP64 to XP Pro without doing a fresh install?

Also a couple days ago I seen a link to a website that was selling a "For Home Use Only" version of Windows XP64. I don't remember where I saw the link and when I installed XP64 trial version I forgot to back up my Bookmarks and lost the link. It was a store selling XP64 for like $50 but I cant find it. It hink if I can find a cheap way to stay with XP64 I would like to do so otherwise I am going to downgrade.
ok, does anyone know if MS has any special offers on upgradeing from XP Pro to XP 64?
Well to answer the first question, no, there is absolutely no way at all to downgrade.

Secondly, since Vista is MS's big push, and XP64 was never a push at all, no, there's probably very little incentive to get people on XP64 at this time.

(I love XP64 ; ; )
I could be wrong, but selling it for $50 doesn't sound too legit, either. You won't be able to downgrade without re-installing, to answer that question. I think if you tried to initiate the setup from within XP64, you'd get the "previous version" message, and it would quit.
I could be wrong, but selling it for $50 doesn't sound too legit, either. You won't be able to downgrade without re-installing, to answer that question. I think if you tried to initiate the setup from within XP64, you'd get the "previous version" message, and it would quit. has the OEM XP64 for $160, so something less than 1/3 of that does sound a little fishy.

One thing I don't know (haven't had a chance to try it yet): with Vista, a product key works for either the 32-bit or the 64-bit installation (just different media). Is there any chance that's the case with XP? has the OEM XP64 for $160, so something less than 1/3 of that does sound a little fishy.

One thing I don't know (haven't had a chance to try it yet): with Vista, a product key works for either the 32-bit or the 64-bit installation (just different media). Is there any chance that's the case with XP?

XP key won't work with x64
All the responses where what I was basicly thinking, just needed to confirm it.

The $50 XP64 was being sold by an online store, not an individual or ebay seller it a a special Home Use Only version. I gotta agree that it sounds fishy, just wish I had the link for it or remembered where/how I found it.

I don't mind going back to XP Pro at all really, theres a couple programs I am having trouble running, Net Stumbler is one of them. Other then that it is running really well. All I need to really worry about is saving my bookmarks, music, and por...errrr pictures.
...a special Home Use Only version. I gotta agree that it sounds fishy...
Depends. Microsoft acvtually does offer, for some products, a retail package called 'Academic Upgrade Edition', which is basically aimed at students and people who are 'home-schooled'. It carries the license restriction that it is not to be used for commercial purposes, but it otherwise is no different to any other Retail upgrade product. It is very inexpensive. The retail Academic Upgrade package for Vista Home Premium, for example, sells for the same price as 'full install' OEM Vista Home Premium, despite being a permanent and transferrable license product which carries full Microsoft support.

Thing is that no stipulation can be made that a purchaser needs to have a student or teacher ID, because the legal definition of 'home-schooled' varies from place to place, and local law over-rides for any related restrictions imposed. In most countries the mere fact that you are learning how to use the thing means that you are home-schooling yourself!

Effectively, the product becomes a 'private, non-commercial use only' one, and could thus well be described as a 'Home Use Only version'.

I've not heard, however, of XP Professional x64 Edition being offered in this way, and unless it can be verified that it actually has then I'd be inclined to think that it "sounds fishy" in this particular instance too!
Correct - even if it were comparable to the OEM edition, that's still in the neighborhood of $150...and none of the academic software sites I've used in the past (including and have XP64 listed as an offering (that I could find)...