Doom Movie Teaser Available From IGN

I'm trying to maintain a healthy cynicism, but I must admit that the atmosphere is properly "Doomish", and the creature designs are quite good.
OMG.. someone please shoot the rock.. nobody cares what hes cooking, he is a horrible actor, along with triple H (Blade Trinity).. fxckin wrestling egotistical dumbasses need to stop ruining movies..

This movie has nothing to do with DOOM.. the minions of doom were from HELL.. not a stupid lab.. just looks like a resident evil rip and another dissapointing movie..

-Evil Juggalo
I agree I think this movie is gonna be avarage and nothing more. Oh well here to hoping it might be decent.
Oh god... please don't tell me I heard that continuesly repeated "RRAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" at the end. You know, the one that is in every one of the cheasy sci-fi movies.
Evil Juggalo said:
OMG.. someone please shoot the rock.. nobody cares what hes cooking, he is a horrible actor, along with triple H (Blade Trinity).. fxckin wrestling egotistical dumbasses need to stop ruining movies..

This movie has nothing to do with DOOM.. the minions of doom were from HELL.. not a stupid lab.. just looks like a resident evil rip and another dissapointing movie..

-Evil Juggalo

settle down chief, cut back on the crack pipe, k? lol as i've said before id rather have a movie like this with guns and monsters than some of the shit movies that they put out.. the problem with people is they are too goddamn anal about storylines, they've been changing it for years when going from book to movie, so it is no different going from game to movie... don't like it? fine go watch the gey movie where the guys crash weddings..
While it is a stock scream with as much popularity as the Wilhelm scream, it comes straight out of the game as well, so it fits.

My hopes for this just went up. :D
i always wanted a doom movie, but i would rather have the old doom style

i didnt think doom 3 conjured the same feelings as when i would play doom originally

it doesnt need to be dark or have things pop out to be scary, walking into a room w/ 2 barons of hell and no way out is scary, 50 pinkie demons coming at you is scary

ah oh well, ill still go see this whilst having fond memories of eldritch carvings and daemonic chambers
Smith said:
Oh god... please don't tell me I heard that continuesly repeated "RRAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" at the end. You know, the one that is in every one of the cheasy sci-fi movies.

Oh yeah, the T-Rex sound...haha! :D
I hope they make a joke in the movie about holding the flashlight and the shotgun at the same time.
It sure looks like it´s truthful to the games in design and everything even if they aren´t from hell. If this makes for an more interesting movie it doesn´t really matter much. The enemies and everything is there so should be decent for us Doom geeks even if it may not be anythin special for those not interested in games.

But we will see it may not suck that bad. Resident Evil was decent actually guess this will be something similar.
[true]First_Strike said:
I thought the first Doom was about World War II experiments?

Doom 1 original story:

Space marine sent to Mars for disobeying a Senior Officer's request to kill civilians *cough* Running Man *cough*

Marine forced to work for some military organization thing that happens to be doing experiments with teleportation

Something goes wrong (duh)

Gateway to Hell is opened, demons invate, people turn into zombies/killed, and 1 man is left.

... but not in this movie.

*sigh* Looks like another "classic" I won't be seeing.
Thanks Hollywood. :rolleyes:
Looks like crap. :)


The Hellknight looked amazingly good, but I believe I saw an Imp and it looked like a guy in a rubber suit glazed with KY jelly or something to that effect. Woot for 1337 special effects. lol

What the hell happened to the much-praised "FPS view" part??

Oh, and that was a trailer, not a teaser.
I'm not registering to download it. But what happened? Are they on Mars? Are the monsters from Hell? Is there only a couple people left?

Or is it gay resident evil stuff?

Doom 3 would have been a much better movie than game IMO. But not if it is all "Hollywoodized".
Looks like it's been upgraded from the Uwe Bolle level to the Paul W.S. Anderson level.
90% of the movie takes place on Mars. As to where the demons come from they're being kind of vague. Karl Urban says his character talks about it a little bit in the movie, and that hell is involved, but only to a point or something.
Just click watch it now requires no registrration. I liked the whole teleportation not instantaneous idea, but what you gunna do. Seems they've taken quite a bit from the game though which is a good thing.
Well, the line "we're going in hot" confirms that's it's not gonna be an academy award winner. But i'll still go see it. :-D
If it was geared to be an academy reward movie it would surely have sucked donkey. Action movies like this NEVER gets awards. For special effects possibly lol.

But I do like the idea of not over using CGI effects. Even though the predators in AVP was kind of slow lol.

The perfect mix is the same if they would have made all CGI I don´t think they would have gotten good results.
oqvist said:
If it was geared to be an academy reward movie it would surely have sucked donkey. Action movies like this NEVER gets awards. For special effects possibly lol.

But I do like the idea of not over using CGI effects. Even though the predators in AVP was kind of slow lol.

The perfect mix is the same if they would have made all CGI I don´t think they would have gotten good results.

I agree. CGI is overrated.

I would have liked to see the first person part, but maybe that'll be in the full trailer.
Anyone ever see Falling Down? The Rock can act, if the plot allows it.

Ill check this trailer later, @ work ATM
Cadaver said:
I'm trying to maintain a healthy cynicism, but I must admit that the atmosphere is properly "Doomish", and the creature designs are quite good.

Not sure how much footage you have seen of the movie so far, but if you are like me and only saw this preview or teaser trailer, then I'm wondering how you state that the creature designs are quite good considering we see next to nothing of them in the trailer
Steel Chicken said:
Anyone ever see Falling Down? The Rock can act, if the plot allows it.

Ill check this trailer later, @ work ATM

Too many people think that Wrestlers can't act, and I guess in a way Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man proved this. People do need to realize that a wrestlers job is to act, thats what they do as a job.
i had my hopes up until i realized that they did not even open up the gateway to hell... thats the whole fucking story man... wtf. not happy. :(
phobic said:
Doom 1 original story:

Space marine sent to Mars for disobeying a Senior Officer's request to kill civilians *cough* Running Man *cough*

Marine forced to work for some military organization thing that happens to be doing experiments with teleportation

Something goes wrong (duh)

Gateway to Hell is opened, demons invate, people turn into zombies/killed, and 1 man is left.

... but not in this movie.

*sigh* Looks like another "classic" I won't be seeing.
Thanks Hollywood. :rolleyes:

You act like that's a plot! That would be what...a whole 20 minutes of a movie? As long as the spirit of Doom is there I don't care if they alter the "plot" to make it more believable/entertaining.
The18thLetter said:
Looks like crap. :)


The Hellknight looked amazingly good, but I believe I saw an Imp and it looked like a guy in a rubber suit glazed with KY jelly or something to that effect. Woot for 1337 special effects. lol

What the hell happened to the much-praised "FPS view" part??

Oh, and that was a trailer, not a teaser.

The special effects for the monsters are going to look good. Stan Winston did them (Aliens, T2, pumpkinhead even, Predator) Stan Winston is the man
bonkrowave said:
Too many people think that Wrestlers can't act, and I guess in a way Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man proved this. People do need to realize that a wrestlers job is to act, thats what they do as a job.

Are you telling me that Wrestling isn´t real :eek:

But The Rock I never saw him in Falling Down thought it was Michael Douglas that was in that movie? Damn good in it too btw :)
oqvist said:
Are you telling me that Wrestling isn´t real :eek:

But The Rock I never saw him in Falling Down thought it was Michael Douglas that was in that movie? Damn good in it too btw :)

Ya I thought Falling Down was the one with Michael DOuglas where he snaps. That movie is good.
Deadguy said:
i figure he meant "the rundown"

*laughing* yea I think that's what he meant too. Funny seeing someone say Falldown
for the Rock

I like the Rock, think he's funny (If you ever seen him on SNL he's great!) and don't think he's bad at all.
is it me or does the trailer have a resident evil 1 feel to it? the whole lab and a team of commando's go in. and the experimenting. just replace zombies w/ creatures from hell
Xeero said:
is it me or does the trailer have a resident evil 1 feel to it? the whole lab and a team of commando's go in. and the experimenting. just replace zombies w/ creatures from hell

I was thinking of the exact same thing. It's Resident Evil with the hot chick.