Don't have permissions?


Limp Gawd
Jan 22, 2007
I am trying to set up file sharing for a friend of mine. I am currently on his laptop and am trying to get a desktop, which has XP, and laptop, which has Vista, to recognize each other. I have made sure to set both up for file sharing, and same workgroups.

The laptop does not recognize the desktop on the network and I cannot check the desktop status. On the desktop I get an error saying that the the sufficent priviledges aren't there to check the network things. Could this be a cause of the recognition issues? Why would these restrictions be in place? There is only one account on the machine and it is an admin account.

Here is a pic of the error
Make sure you turn off dekstop's firewall or approve file printer sharing in the firewall (Windows firewall).
I have the Windows firewall turned off in XP and also went through the network wizard (after I initally shared files)