Domain based network help


Apr 21, 2004
I am a complete noob when it comes ot domain based networks, and so now i have a question for you network gurus.

I have an 11 computer based network. All of them run off a T1 line with a switch and soon to be - netscreen firewall. Currently each computer has its own settings for the users, meaning no global settings for the whole network, only individual settings. We also have a machine running Windows 2003 Enterprise Server, and were wondering regarding how easy it would be to make a domain server out of it. Basically, what we want to be able to do is administer all users trough that one server, be able to lock out users, erase users, create new users and user groups. Another important part is the fact that all of our IP's are static, AND we want them to remain static.

Any help would be greatly appritiated.
It not terriobly hard. i would reccomend picking up a book on server 2003/active directory. You can use dcpromo to promote the server to a dmoain controller (the wizard runs through various steps) then join each pc to the domain. you can use group policys to lockdown/restrict users rights to modify thier rights to what you need.

you have a router right? all the pc are not on poblic ips? If not i highly reccomend a router with some type of firewall feature.
VanFanel89 said:
I am a complete noob when it comes ot domain based networks, and so now i have a question for you network gurus.

I have an 11 computer based network. All of them run off a T1 line with a switch and soon to be - netscreen firewall. Currently each computer has its own settings for the users, meaning no global settings for the whole network, only individual settings. We also have a machine running Windows 2003 Enterprise Server, and were wondering regarding how easy it would be to make a domain server out of it. Basically, what we want to be able to do is administer all users trough that one server, be able to lock out users, erase users, create new users and user groups. Another important part is the fact that all of our IP's are static, AND we want them to remain static.

Any help would be greatly appritiated.

These step by step guides at are a great read for anyone wanting to setup a domain controller. For best results, all client workstations should be Win2K Pro or XP Pro. These two OSs will allow you to join a domain. dcpromo from the RUN command and your off. This command will install Active Directory, DNS (if you don't already have an internal DNS server installed [Active Directory must use a DNS server to operate]). Don't worry, it's painless and you will have it working in no time. If you want to keep your IP address the way they are, then don't install DHCP.

After you promote your server to the Primary Domain Controller you will have to join each client PC to the domain. To do this I simply right click on My Computer\Computer Name Tab\Network ID button and then fill in the appropriate information.

THese step-by-step howtos will walk you through everything.

These say Windows 2000 but it works just the same way for Windows 2003.