Does Win 98 support wireless networking?

Not natively like XP, but device drivers for 98 will have the needed support
If you have the device drivers and the wireless adapter's utility, of course it does ...

IIRC, 98 used VXD drivers, while 98SE introduced WDM to us, so drivers written for 98 will work on 98SE, but not vice versa ... or something like that, I could be totally talking out of my ass but I haven't worked with 98 in a while :D
Here is my situation, I have a friend who has 2 computers, both Win98, the local ISP came and setup his internet access(dsl by the way),since his second computer is in a corner a floor below, the ISP used a wireless router, and the second computer they used a wireless adapter that connects by cat5 to the NIC in that computer. The problem is that second computer isn't connecting.

The network is setup for automatic, so there is no manual input of numbers for configuring the adapter. Ipconfig shows that it is not seeing anything no IP,Gateway,DNS you get the deal.
If the win98 computer is physically connected by a NIC then, as far as it is concerned, it is connected to a standard wired network, and should be configured as such. It is up to the wireless device to connect to the wireless network and provide all that functionality. Is your wireless device set up properly?
Update......I just now found out that the "wireless adapter" the ISP used was infact a bridge :eek: It's late so, I guess I will have to set the bridge for him tomorrow, he still has his main computer online so he's sane for today :D
I wondered the same question. I'm going to have to return a Dlink wireless cardbus adapter because it is not compatible with windows 98FE, only 98SE. I emailed tech support to make sure I wasn't making a mistake but they stated that "there is no way to make the adapter compatible with 98FE." I'm guessing that access points are compatible though, right??