Does OFFICE still put files on system drive?


Aug 22, 2001
I remember always putting office on my C: drive because even if I installed it to another hard drive it put a shit-ton of data on the system drive without my consent. Other programs dont need to do this, I dont know why microsoft felt the need to ingrain office into windows that way but they did. But disk space was cheap so I didnt care.

Now that I have a 80GB SSD as my system drive, is it possible to get all of office 2007 on another hard drive?

Thanks :)
I know the option to specify an installation directory exists in the custom install menu for Office 2007. Whether or not that completely installs the files in the specified path or distributes something in system files as well, I don't know. I suppose you could try symbolic links if things don't go exactly where you want. Here's a brief primer if you need it:
Most other programs do indeed still put files into your system drive, the Windows directory, Windows\System, Windows\system32, and quite a few, including Office, create folders within the Users profile directory as well as All Users profile directory.