Does anyone use Thunderbird to organize contacts?


Jun 27, 2004
Sure, I know Outlook does it, and I know Thunderbird does it.

I currently use Outlook Express for my Hotmail, and I'm going to convert it to Thunderbird in the very near future, and probably then begin the painful process of ditching a 7 year old Hotmail e-mail address for a GMail that isn't as likely to be so problematic.

The issue is that it's going to be quite the process to organize a few hundred contacts, so I would rather choose a contact manager/email app that is highly regarded.

Has anyone had any negative experiences with Thunderbird? How about any better email apps for contact organization?
I use Outlook 2003 exclusively now for the calendar, notes, and task features and layout, but I was a Thunderbird user long before that, and I highly recommend it. Outlook Express is antiquated, full of security holes, and does not do Junk Mail filtering. Thunderbird uses a business card style layout similar to Outlook 2003 for Contacts, and IIRC is able to import contacts from Eudora, Outlook, and Outlook Express.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Microsoft disable checking mail via POP clients for Hotmail accounts unless you are a paid subscriber?

I haven't used my Hotmail account in ages.