Does anyone have Vista Beta build 1? Looking for NTLDR


Oct 11, 2001
I'm hoping to nab the early build of NTLDR from build 1 (5600 or earlier, I think?) for testing code I'm writing for booting purposes. This NTLDR was much more flexible and extended additional switches.

Does anyone possibly have an old disc and could grab the NTLDR from it and email me? I'd really appreciate it anyone could take the time.

My email address is [email protected] -- thanks in advance if anyone can help a guy out.
While it might sound ridiculous, this would still be classified as distributing warez so...
Was this offered as a public beta? If so, I think it's a grey area if your looking for a legitimate iso or disk.
WIndows Vista Beta 1 was offered as a public beta and distributed in large quantities, so you're fairly in the clear here.
Vista Beta 1 wasn't public (in the summer of 2005) and required membership in the beta program; Vista was first publicly accessible and downloadable when Beta 2 appeared a year later in the summer of 2006, sooo...
If this outside legal boundaries, that's alright and I apologize. Feel free to lock/remove this thread.

I was just hoping to find the older loader to learn more about how it works and have a more flexible way of testing code that I've written.