Do I need to change something in the router to make this proxy work?


Under the Man's Thumb...waaaaaa!
Oct 12, 2009
I'm trying to set up a proxy to hide my ip address / country etc.

I've got everything configured right in IE / Mozilla.

I go to a website and it just tries to connect and can't

It's not a DNS error or 404 or anything it just keeps loading and loading and getting nothing. Do I have to do something with port forwarding or anything in the router? I've never set a proxy up at home like this before.
It's supposed to be easy, I'm wondering if my ISP has some gayness hidden somewhere.

Thanks in advance if you guys can help and if you can't thanks for taking the time to read this.
It goes against my better judgment to even reply to a post with such a shady sounding purpose, but if you configured the router's IP and DNS settings properly there shouldn't be an issue, it should act as a gateway to the server it is connected to. I assume you've got a proxy server somewhere that will provide you with IP and DNS services...
Yeah I'm going over the router settings now.

It does sound shady but it comes from me being from the U.S. and trying to access things online that it won't let me because I'm in Chile right now.

There are plenty of legit reasons for a proxy server but I agree 90% of the time it makes you wonder. Or all of the time I guess. It really screws with my business trying to work from Chile.
I see that. It makes sense. I wonder if there's people in places like China using the same technology to access sites they're not supposed to. Anything is possible with satellites, after all. You should just have come out with it from the start, so we don't get the impression of someone going 'I'M TRYING TO HAX THE INTARNETZ!'

Just leave my connection alone and we're groovy :p
Yeah, it won't let me do anything evil but it might help me get away with it haha.

Kinda like asking for default router passwords.