Distinguish XP version


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 31, 2005
Today im compiling all of my CD's and Keys together.. I came across 3 of my XP backup discs, but none of them are labled.. I have legitimate versions of XP Home SP1, XP Pro SP1, XP Pro SP2, XP Pro 1-2 Processor edition...

I need to know if there is a way I can like pop in the CD and find out which version of the disc it is so I can write the key on it..

-Evil Juggalo
While in Windows, pop in one of teh CDs, it will ask you for teh CD key once you click on install, enter one of the CD keys, if it fails, try another. till you find teh right teh one.

then you can just cancel setup. simple
You may be able to insert the disks and read the disk label on the drive. They might be labeled uniquely.
The first idea is shot down because when I hit INSTALL it tells me the version on the disk is older than my current version and wont let me continue.. Lang had a good idea.. here is what I got..

1) WXPvLKSP1 - Service Pack 1.. Home? Pro?

2) WXPPFPP_EN - Assumed XP Pro since it says WXPP.. no idea what the FPP is for.. makred English too..

3) WINXPSP1_US - Definantly Service Pack 1, Probbably come with one of my Laptops since its marked English.. Home? Pro?.. If this is the one that came with my HP, then it is HOME..

Any ideas?? Im mainly looking for the CD thats 1-2 Processor Edition CD.. can someone else pop in thier XP cd's and tell me what they find..

-Evil Juggalo
Thats and awesome link to what I was looking for.. but the only thing I dont see is anything for a 1-2 Processor edition..

Anyone have a 1-2 Processor edition Disc they can check out for me?

If it helps.. here is my Product ID# From Regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProductId

-Evil Juggalo
It's probably not very helpful, but all XP Pro editions are 1-2 processor editions.
I did not know that.. but some are specifically marked as 1-2 processor edition...

The bottom of my HP ZD7000 laptop has an XP Pro 1-2 Processor Edition CD key on the bottom and I would like to find a CD that goes with that.. But none of my XP cd's seeem to work with it.. thats why im trying to find out this info..

-Evil Juggalo
Heres a hint from what I've figured out by using the label. If your labels are original, or if you changed it if you slipstreamed a SP into it, they should be reliable. I've made so many custom/upgraded builds that I have nightmares about naming schemes.

XP = Pro version
XR = Home version
SP1/SP2 = you figure this one out ;)
FPP = Retail
Gonnne temporarily ressurect this thread.. I need to know if anyone has these XP labeled CD's..

Service Pack 1
XPSP1_Pro_ENG - Come with Some Dells (Reinstall CD?)
WINXPSP1_US - Came with Some HP's and Compaq's (Reinstall CD?)
WINXPPRO_G1 - Gateway Reinstall CD

Service Pack 1a
WINXPSP1_US - Came with Some HP/Compaqs
XPSP1_PER_ENG - Came with Dells (Reinstall CD?) (XP Home)

Service Pack 2
XP2_PRO_ENG - Came with Some Dells (Reinstall CD?)

If you have any or all of these Labeled XP CD's, Please PM me or catch me on one of these..

AIM - Insane4Pain
Yahoo - Evil_Juggalo84
MSN - [email protected]
ICQ - 190638272

-Evil Juggalo