Dissable Safely Remove for Certain Drives?


Oct 7, 2001
Does any one know how I can stop Windows XP from displaying 2 items in the safely remove list?

We have a CD publisher in my office that is hooked up to a computer that is used for many other tasks.
When some of our staff put their thumb drive in and go to "safely remove" like the good little lawn gnomes they are, they safely remove all 3 items in the list. (2 happen to be the CD rom drives in the CD publisher)
This causes me to have to go over and switch off the publisher and switch it back on when someone needs to publish a CD.

I just want to find a way maybe in the Registry to make those CD drives permanent. Any ideas?
Under HKLM/system/currentcontrolset/enum, it lists your devices.

Apparently theres a capabilities DWORD value for each device, and that value contains whether or not its removable, that comes from the device driver. So I guess you could either screw with the driver (permanent fix) or run a startup reg hack to change the DWORD value after windows loads the driver every startup, so it doesnt show up in 'safely remove'.

"If you take away 4 from the value or add 80h and then
refresh the Safely Remove dialog by toggeling the checkbox,
then the drive is gone. If it is the only entry in the SRH dialogue box, the box is gone as well."

Seems pretty straightforward, havent tried it myself.
That kinda makes sense... Windows should give you the option to make a drive permanent or plug & play, but you know... I wont complain.

I will try that tomorrow and if it work's I'll put together a little script.
