dip switches on x800xl and volt modding

May 26, 2005
The rage chip on my x800xl is only being seen by windows xp as an "unknown" I am wondering if the two little dip switches on the video card do anything at all? Anyone have a clue what they do? Even better would be if someone could help me with my sapphire x800xl 512mb I just need a starting point for the volt mods as the board layout is different than any I have seen.
thanks for any and all help

I think voltmodding is great, I even voltmodded my 9800se->pro which didn't get me hardly anything but it was fun.

I feel the need to tell you that the X800XL is a very limited overclocker and that a voltmod, mostly likely, won't give you a great increase in clock speeds, let alone real life performance.

If I were you and I wasn't doing it just to do it for fun, I'd just buy a great aftermarket cooler and assume that's about the best thing I could do for my card.
