different network connection settings for each user?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 27, 2003
is it possible to have a network connection with different settings for each user account?
I'd like to have one user account use a custom dns server address, and the other account use automatic dns server. both accounts are using the same connection.
this is for windows vista.
There are lots of network profile switching programs out there, which allow you to build profiles for different networks and easily switch on the fly. Netswitcher was one I used to use back a few Windows versions ago for a client or two. Tons of them out there now.

But I don't recall where they kept their profile data...in the users directory, or not. Are you looking to lock down the profile for each user? Or allow them to switch it themselves..in which case they may work.
so windows doesn't have any way to do this without installing a program?

I didn't want the profiles to be switched. just want each account to have different dns servers for the same network connection.
You could have a bat script start when the user logs on which can give a static IP, a DNS server etc. . Here's a couple of ways to do it

Edit here is a really easy way to do it. I just used it on my local area connection and it works fine
netsh interface ip set dns "**** whatever connection you want, needs to be name of connection" static ***.***.***.*** primary or
For a second one netsh interface ip set dns "See above" static ***.***.***.*** secondary

For automatic
netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" dhcp
