Diagnostic software suggestiosn for Windows


Mar 7, 2003
Can anyone recommend some software (free or paid) that will run a battery of diagnostic tests on a Windows computer to see if it has any potential hardware or software issues?

Basically I want sort of an all-around stress testing kit. I'm not looking for something like Prime which focuses solely on intense processor usage, but an overall package that looks at the memory, video card, hard drive, etc.
OCCT is free and will handle your CPU, Memory, GPU and Power Supply. http://www.ocbase.com/

For your hard drive, open up a copy of Crystal Disk Info. It will give you a health check for the drive and show you of any errors and what they are. HDDScan is a newer program that is feature rich but it's still a little buggy. It can also do short and long disk check to verify integrity. SeaTools will work on all hard drives. I use it frequently when troubleshooting hard drives.

I've never seen one program that does everything.