DGL-4500 + PowerMac G5 = No go?


Oct 4, 2006
Hello folks,

I just picked up a DGL-4500 to replace my DIR-615 which was working well enough, but I figured I could bump up my wireless range/speed as well as my LIVE connection at once.

The problem is that for some reason, my DGL just won't be seen by my PowerMac G5 when connected via hardwire for longer than a couple seconds. At best I'll get a constant cycle between being connected and my G5 thinking the ethernet cable isn't plugged it. I don't have Airport built into my G5 so I'm unable to test that.

I've been able to connect to the DGL wirelessly from my Intel MacBook with no issue (allowing me to upgrade the FW to 1.01) and I've even connected from my MacBook via a hardwire connection which I won't ever do, but just wanted to test to verify it was possible.

It's really strange because the DIR-615 has been totally fine connected to my G5 and is once again. I've used the exact same gear minus the AC adapter to no avail, tried multiple resets/power-cycles and alternate cables just in case etc.

The box states the DGL works with Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. I'm running 10.4.11 on both machines, just optimized for different processors. D-Link tech support was quick to get me off the phone since their hardware does actually work, just not with my G5 I guess. :(

Has anyone out there had any success with this router and a PPC machine? Anyone have any suggestions or know whether or not my built-in ethernet could simply be too old for such a new router? Are there any PCI network cards I could use that will for sure work? If nothing else works, can I combine my 2 routers in sort of a diasy-chain type deal so I can at least use the DGL for my wireless?

Thanks in advance for any help and sorry for the length!
I saw this with my sisters iMac and a Netgear FVS-318 once. I never was able to figure it out. It was just a temporary thing until her airport came in so I never really persued it.
Thanks for the reply TechLarry.

I just got off the phone with D-Link again. I was finally able to get transferred to their 2nd tier support which only resulted in having a product specialist call in the next couple business days because I've done all the trouble-shooting possible.

Right now, I'm connected via hardwire to the DGL on my laptop, merrily surfing the hardforums. My G5 is right beside me and also physically connected, is still unable to maintain a connection for more than a few seconds. And I just installed a fresh OS which I've been wanting to do anyhow.

I'm tempted to run out to Best Buy to pick up a PCI network card to test it on the G5, but driver support for those things on Macs is so sketchy, I'm reluctant even thought D-Link say their network cards work with 10.2 and up. accelerateyourmac seems to states otherwise.

I'll post the results of the specialist call when I get it.

Might end up that I'll just have to wait until Macworld to buy my new Intel tower to use the DGL.

In the meantime, how tough/possible is it to run a connection from my modem, to the DGL, then through my DIR-625, then to my G5 (or whatever order)? I tried it quickly and it didn't work at all. DGL 'saw' that it was connected to something, but my G5 didn't. Maybe I'm missing something simple?
Unfortunately it doesn't, otherwise I'd just use that for now until I get a MacPro after Macworld assuming of course that it will work. *crosses fingers*

No call from the "product specialist" yet, but I expect it today.