dgl-4300 access point..something went wrong


Jan 25, 2007
I was attempting to use my D-link DGL-4300 as a wireless access point. Reason being I moved back home from school and my sister has a pc now which there is a wireless netgear router in her room. Instead of spending money on an access point or running a cable down the hallway, I was just going to use my d-link as an access point. So I started messing around with the settings from something I read on a netgear help page or something, but I screwed up. I turned off DHCP on the d-link and turned off the WPA security and i changed the LAN IP Now, I can't get into the adminstrator page to change settings anymore. I'm not sure why...even .0.1 doesnt work nor does .0.99 Any ideas?
What IP address does your computer currently have?

Sounds like you are on a different range from the settings you put into either the Netgear or Dlink.
i thought there was a reset button on the back that will take back to default settings, that should at least solve that issue.

As far as the other issue i would double check all ip's on the network, and maybe utilize DHCP reserve list to keep things organized.
in Ipconfig, it's not even showing a default gateway and the only IP address is an autoconfiguration ipv4 address. I was just trying to avoid resetting the router kuz I have all my ports forwarded for programs and stuff and I don't always remember it all.
You should be connecting the DGL-4300 using LAN ports, both for the main router and for your own computer. Once you've done that, your computer should pick up a compatible IP from the main router (if you've used the same subnet etc.)

If you have inconsistent subnets, you can temporarily manually assign an IP to your network adapter (e.g., connect to the router, and then change its settings.

You should enable WPA once you've got the basic networking working again.
I ended up just resetting the router to default settings. Now I'm not even sure if I can do what I want with this router. I didn't know the term, but I actually want to create a wireless bridge with two wireless routers. Like this.. http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Wireless_Bridge

I have a Netgear WGR614 (primary) and a D-link DGL-4300 (secondary). If someone could help me out on if I can even do such a thing, that would be great. I'm not even sure if it's possible as in the D-link I don't see a Bridge setting and I haven't come across any documentation on how to do it. Any help would be appreciated as I don't really want to waste money on a piece of equipment if I can use this router (I only need this setup for 3 months til I move again).
I don't think you can do wireless bridging with these routers. Like most wireless routers, the DGL-4300 doesn't provide a client bridge mode. It provides a limited WDS implementation, but the Netgear router doesn't, so you can't do that either.

WDS Enable
When WDS is enabled, this access point functions as a wireless repeater and is able to wirelessly communicate with other APs via WDS links. Note that WDS is incompatible with WPA -- both features cannot be used at the same time. A WDS link is bidirectional; so this AP must know the MAC Address (creates the WDS link) of the other AP, and the other AP must have a WDS link back to this AP. Make sure the APs are configured with same channel number.

You'd have to run a wire or get another device that can do wireless bridging or WDS. Considering the lack of WPA support in the DGL-4300's WDS implementation, I'd avoid its WDS.

Buffalo WHR-G54S and Linksys WRTG54L would be popular choices together with DD-WRT or some other compatible firmware as relatively inexpensive client bridge devices.
I went ahead and bought a D-link DWL-G510. Now, I have one desktop with internet access, which is all I really need. Now, I just need the other desktop to be able to network with it. So I thought I could just use my other router in the room with the pcs. It works as well as a crossover cable. So the Vista file sharing works fine. On the computer w/ the wireless pci card, I have an IP address of course because it's connected to the netgear in the other room which has DHCP enable. Now for the other desktop connected (lets just say via crossover cable) I don't see an IP address (local). How would I do this exactly? Give it a static IP address, but what would I do for default gateway and can I just give it any IP address I want? also, if it's possible, can I give the desktop connected via crossover internet as well through the crossover cable?