Desktop hooked to laptop hooked to internet?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 25, 2000
I need to get internet on my desktop computer, and until i go buy a wireless card for it i dont have any internet. SO my question is:

Can i hook my desktop up to my laptop (which has a wireless card in it) and use the laptop as a sort of a gateway? if so, how can i do this?
i've never personally done this, but you could possibly, connect the pc's with a crossover cable assuming both have a NIC card.

and setup a direct connection and share the internet connection from your desktop.

or you could share the internet connection and connect both computers to a switch.
deadoralive said:
i've never personally done this, but you could possibly, connect the pc's with a crossover cable assuming both have a NIC card.

and setup a direct connection and share the internet connection from your desktop.

This is correct, just run a crossover between the two and run Networking Setup Wizard on the laptop and desktop.