Dell mobo question


Mar 28, 2004
I am waiting for delivery oif my new dell 8400. It has an intel 925x chipset so will I have to use dell specific drivers or can I just use 925x mobo drivers from intel?

Also anyone know how dell mobos are in general, I'm still not sure if I'm going to cancel my order or not, if the mobo is going to be loaded with a ton of proprietary junk.

the board i have is REALLY proprietary but its a bit older and thats just how they were, ive heard they are better now... i doubt you could run the normal drivers without some problems but you could search dell related forums for answers... also dells support site should have detailed information about the physical aspects of the board... for the most part id just say order your own parts and ditch dell cause there isnt much of anything they can offer you that anyone else wouldnt.

just my opinion but i suppose its something to go from
Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc. are well known for proprietary hardware. You might get lucky, and be able to use the standard Intel drivers. I have a very old Dell PII celeron 233, slot 1.. I actually found the name of the motherboard manufacturer out and downloaded a real bios for it. Of course, that would void your warranty. And if manufactured computers have anything going for them, it's the warranty and support hotlines.
Dude, dont get a dell. Id cancel that puppy right now. With Dell you spend a little more, get a little less, are stuck with their very limited options and when it comes time to upgrade you may be stuck. We have a number of Dell workstations here and a Dell powerpoint server. All are a pain in the ass to upgrade. The other ones, that I put together, are a piece of cake, pop em open and go at it.