Dell 2707wfp monitor and calibration?


Apr 19, 2006
Just got a new 27" LCD Dell 2707wfp monitor and I am not certain how to calibrate it. I have a GeForce 8800GTS card and I went through the Nvidia color config wizard but the colors still do not look as true and accurate as I am expecting. I am not sitting in front of the monitor at the moment but if memory serves me I believe all the PQ tweaking has to be done in software and is not done via the monitors OSD controls.

What is the best way to calibrate this thing? I am not really interested in going the route of using a hand held hardware level tool but I would like to improve the PQ on my new LCD.

Any help is appreciated!
Just got a new 27" LCD Dell 2707wfp monitor and I am not certain how to calibrate it. I have a GeForce 8800GTS card and I went through the Nvidia color config wizard but the colors still do not look as true and accurate as I am expecting. I am not sitting in front of the monitor at the moment but if memory serves me I believe all the PQ tweaking has to be done in software and is not done via the monitors OSD controls.

What is the best way to calibrate this thing? I am not really interested in going the route of using a hand held hardware level tool but I would like to improve the PQ on my new LCD.

Any help is appreciated!

To be honest the best way is to purchase a hardware device, it's the easiest and most accurate. You've already spent over 1k usd on the screen, what's another 70 bucks?
Good point. I will probably pick up a copy of Spyer2 Express as it sounds worth the investment.

If I understand how these calibration programs work they produce an .ICM color profile file that you can implement in XP or Vista via the control panel -> display properties.

Does this then apply the new settings to all programs and software run in the PC including movies, games, etc? Do I need to change any settings via the LCD's on-screen controls or is it recommended to leave those at defaults and tweak everything via software?
Good point. I will probably pick up a copy of Spyer2 Express as it sounds worth the investment.

If I understand how these calibration programs work they produce an .ICM color profile file that you can implement in XP or Vista via the control panel -> display properties.

Does this then apply the new settings to all programs and software run in the PC including movies, games, etc? Do I need to change any settings via the LCD's on-screen controls or is it recommended to leave those at defaults and tweak everything via software?

It will put the profile loader in your Windows startup. From what I can tell, most games use the profile created by the Spyder software. I've only noticed one game that seemed to disable the profile, I don't remember what game though.

You don't need to mess around with the hardware screen settings, it does everything automatically with software.
The software that comes with the Express package is very basic....I recommend Coloreyes Display Pro software that works great with the Spyder 2 colorimeter.