Default Display Options: Last Day (1 Day) Killing Discussion? (Redux)

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Jul 30, 2008
In my occasional free time I enjoy browsing this forum. I don't post very frequently but Idefinitely enjoy reading about a lot of the topics on this forum. The one thing that has always bothered me is the default display options on a lot of the forums is only one day, which I thought could be limiting some of the discussion in forums that aren't already extremely lively. I noticed some forums are set to last month or even last week but other forums are set to last day that don't often get a lot of daily discussion.

Sure enough, this topic had been brought up about 3 years ago. Nothing was done at the time, is there any chance of revisiting this idea?

(I know, as was discussed in that previous thread, that we can change these default settings in the user cp. As was indicated in that previous thread, most people probably leave it at the defaults, and people that just visit the forum and never registered or don't login, don't have that option)
You are correct.

Should you wish to change the default in your CP, please do.
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