DDNS, Remote site setup


Jul 10, 2002

Despite pricing projections that show piss-poor returns on the project, management has decided to go forward with a plan to have remote sites accessible via VOIP as opposed to the pots solution in place now. The connection uses very small amounts of data--all they do is query the current status of certain equipment.

Now, the problem is, the local carriers won't give us static IPs for the locations, so in order to have it so that the tracking software knows where the hell to call to, we need a DDNS server to manage the updates to IP addresses.

We're a windows 2003 shop, so getting this done on Server 2k3 is our strong preference. Securing the DNS box is paramount, since it will need to be exposed outside the PIX.

I'm not sure how much the senior network guys know on the topic, but regardless I'd like to find out more on this so I can be of use in the project. Basically, my head is stuck at the point of getting the remote hosts to authenticate over the internet with the DNS server to update their IP addresses and host records.

Any pointers or links are appreciated! :D
Well, we would want to host the services ourselves to provide for maximum control and cost-effectiveness...ultimately, we're going to have 3,000+ sites out there that will need to update. Plus, we need to provide disaster recovery redundancy to be SOx-compliant. We have a hardened DR site available for replication, so that wouldn't be a problem if we host it in-house. And most importantly, if we lose communication with a site for more than a few hours and don't file a document stating a mechanical issue, we get fined 5 digits by the government....yeah.
I mean, using one of the existing services would be great if we had a smaller number of sites, but the largish number of them coupled with the relative simplicity of our need (just need to update IP info for the status inquiries) makes them....less palatable to management. :eek: