dd-wrt worth it??


Apr 3, 2007
I have a Linksys WRT54G v8 router and the only dd-wrt firmware I can put on their is the v24 Beta since it is a v8. Is the beta version even worth it??
What do you want it to do?

It is worth it if you need a feature it adds...
mainly for downloading speed improvements. Right now I am only maxing out at around 500 KB/s which is B.S. because I was maxing out at 1.7 MB/s before I got the Linksys WRT54WG. Would this help or what.

DD-WRT is a real nice system although I don't have experience with the linksys routers past v5 or the gl version.
thanks for the info.

Well I decided to flash dd-wrt on their and im currently playing with the settings and cant even get my wired LAN working :(

how do I set it up wired from the Linksys ethernet port 1 to my PC what settings do i need and how do i get them