DD WRT upgrade success story


[H]F Junkie
Oct 26, 2004
I have a WRT54G V2 (very old, yes, I know). I finally was contiplating buying a "better" router to handle torrents. Typically as long as I was downloading the torrent...It would be fine. But as soon as I would go into seed mode...I would lock up a few hours later. This sucked because it always happened when I wasn't home and the wife was and I got the angry calls.

1. Downloaded the mini version for first time upgrade as recommened. The upgrade wouldn't even start.

2. Upgraded the router with the official linksys software..that worked, now 4.x firmware.

3. Tried again with the DD firmware..and failed.

4. Did a "reset to defaults" and that worked!

5. Tried to login and root/admin wasn't working. Finally figured out it kept my normal password but not hte user id. since DD WRT wanted both..it kept failing. Pressed the orange button and life was good.

6. Upgraded to the standard generic version!

All I can say is WoW. I never knew a router "could" look like this. I can see why they call it the $600 free router upgrade. Just everything about the upgrade makes the router feel more polished, usable, and flexible.

My torrents are rocking now as well as seeding correctly now w/o lockups. The QoS ability is very nice. The uPnP UI makes the ability to no longer need fixed port forwarding for non dedicated features.

Also...ability to pump up power is great as well. My wife can finally get full strength in our bedroom (that sounds bad doesn't it).

Therefore a free upgrade saved me from buying a new router....not to bad. Sent the guys $5.
Yeah it's not bad to squeeze a little more life out of the old router. If you purchase a new router with a faster CPU and more RAM, one that's still compatible with DD..wait til you see it's performance on one of those.

Another favorite of mine for the old wrt series is Tomato. Kinda prefer that one over DD.
Yes DD-WRT is a wonderfull thing

I have installed it on a dozen WRT54G Routers ect.
even downgraded and upgraded a few FON routers I paid for with it!

only thing to watch for is when you install DD-WRT on a V5 or later router is you need to make sure you keep your old MAC address saved ect.