dd-wrt ...does it solve disconnects/drops? (WRT54G)

Cliff Couser

Dec 22, 2003
I'm using a WRT54G (v.2) right now and I need to restart the damned thing every few days or so.

I've tried troubleshooting all the settings, and still happens.

I was wondeirng if the dd-wrt firmware will help with all the dropping problems this router is giving me.

For those of you who have flashed...what has your experience been?

Are you using BitTorrent/etc or P2P apps? If so, stop using them for a few days and see if it keeps your router from locking up....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

even without Bittorent, i still get dropped. I thought it was that initialy (saturation)..but apparently its not.

Also, I've connected straight to the cable modem without the router and no disconnects at all....so its not my Internet connection.

It could be an overheating problem with the router. I had an old netgear that would drop the wireless after a few hours until I moved it to be right next to the window (in winter), where it ran just fine. There's some mods to can do to add a fan to the wrt54 if you want.

DD-WRT might help you if you lower the wireless power, but that could affect your network throughput if you have a marginal signal.
I'd use it whether it fixed your drops or not. It's a killer little image.
The QoS is nice too.
I had a stock WRT54G that was dropping the connection and a Gigabyte (don't know the model) that was doing the same thing; even after I switched the WRT54G to dd-wrt. I got so fed up with it, that I spent the money to get 2 powerline adapters to try out. It's not the fastest thing, but it actually works.

Having said that though, it was just the wireless that was dropping out on the router. If you were hardlined in, it was fine.
Gambit said:
Having said that though, it was just the wireless that was dropping out on the router. If you were hardlined in, it was fine.


same exact scenario for me!

I was reading up on overheating as well, and given that this router has been on for 2 years non-stop...that could be *contributing* to the drops.

I think I'm going to flash. If nothing else....then maybe its time to put this thing to rest.

Thanks again!
Well, if it is an overheating issue, you can reduce the chip's clock frequency and radio output in DD-WRT, which may help with the heat.
The behavior you're describing is not often attributed to firmware. That said, I've seen routers given a second life with such simple efforts. Try DD-WRT or any of the other great firmware packages available out there for the aging WRT54G (pre-v5.)

Otherwise, it's time to get yourself a new router. If you're a do-it-yourself kind of guy, grab an old PC and load IPCop or any of the other great *nix variants out there. If you're not... there are plenty of recommendations to be found in this section of the forum. :)
Any router that can use DD WRT should, its great. The first time I messed with my wrt54g v2 I tried the OCing thing in DD's admin section and bricked it, had to revive it by opening it up and short a few jumpers(whatevers) and the broadcom chip was real hot so I added a heatsink to it.

If it is over heating you can pop the case off and stick on a simple NB cooler.

To take the case off read here:
