Daisy chain two routers


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2002
I have a nice wireless router at home I connect to, it is secured with WPA2.

I have a cheapo wireless router with no security hooked up to it, I can see both SSID's. The 2ND router is used for friends etc. I do not want them to know my password.

My question is, are my computers secured. Can someone access my network? Am I safe? Please elaborate, thanks!

iirc no your not safe - someone could just connect to the unsecure router and see everything on the network.
What sort of routers do you have? A possiblity could be to use third part firmware which could allow you to set up a "guest" ssid which you could have your friends use.

I would however not allow it to be unencrypted and I would certainly block ports on that as well. The last thing you would need would be for someone to start hitting torrents on your connection.

If your routers are compatable I would look into using either openwrt (Which I currently use) or dd-wrt firmware.
Agreed. You need some type of separation and access control. I know that DD-WRT, Tomato, and Open-WRT can create separate WLANs. You can use this coupled with firewall rules to create a WLAN that can have access to the net but that's it. No access to any other LAN in your network.
I have a nice wireless router at home I connect to, it is secured with WPA2.

I have a cheapo wireless router with no security hooked up to it, I can see both SSID's. The 2ND router is used for friends etc. I do not want them to know my password.

My question is, are my computers secured. Can someone access my network? Am I safe? Please elaborate, thanks!

what router's do you have ? Do they have guest access feature ? can you do multiple ssid's ?

I know a few routers i've setup have the option to do up to 4 ssid's then another option to seperate them so anyone on each ssid can't talk or see each other.
If the second router is indeed being used as a router the two networks should be separate, no? Just as the first routers NAT protects you from the internet the second router works the same.
You could maybe use MAC address filter on the unsecure one and hide the SSID. Thats not totally secure but it could deter people just connecting it by accident.