D-Link DGE-560T chipset


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 13, 2007
Anyone know what chipset this has in it? I have been trying to figure that out so I can download the drivers directly from the chipset manufacturer. The drivers from Dlink haven't been updated since 07 so I figure finding out the chipset manufacturer I can get newer drivers for it.
From some googling on using the DGE-560T with linux, it seems that the card is using a Marvell Yukon chipset. That said, getting drivers from Marvell (if you can find any that work) will not necessarily speed anything up - in fact, they are apt to cause more issues than they fix.

What is the problem you're trying to remediate by getting "newer" drivers?

Edit: It seems a lot of people are reporting (on Amazon.com reviews of the product) that the drivers from Marvell actually do help in Vista... so YMMV.
Ya, I just installed Vista Ultimate 64bit, so trying to knock these network woes...